Kat Luckock - The Social Entrepreneur Coach

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Bianca Caruana, LOCWOM Australia #38

Bianca is the foudner of LOCWOM Australia, a social enterprise supporting women’s economic development in Nepal.

She is  also an ethical blogger and podcaster at The Altruistic Traveller, sharing stories of responsible tourism, community development and inspirational change-makers from around the world.

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Bianca Caruana with Kat Luckock

Bianca met Nasreen, Founder of LOWCOM, in April 2017 in Nepal. Through their shared passions they aim to spread the word about human rights violations in the garment industry, while providing a platform for people to make ethical purchases and support economic growth in some of the world's most developing regions.

LOCWOM Australia is a branch of LOCWOM which improves the lives of women and children globally through education, training and mentoring programs.

After spending three months in Nepal supporting a small organisation with business development, when she returned to Australia she wanted to continue supporting them to grow and developing a new market for them in Australia. 

Amongst other things LOCWOM's profits are going towards building a learning centre in Nepal, where they will be able to employ another 10 women. 


You can now also buy these amazing products in the UK, from LOCWOM UK which has just launched. 

On this weeks podcast we discuss:

  • The Founder of LOCWOM, Nasreen's background and her inspirational story of starting her business in Nepal 
  • The products LOCWOM you can get your hands on 
  • The importance of Fair Trade and how LOCWOM supports equality in Nepal 
  • How you grow your social enterprise with passion 
  • How you can transform communities by supporting one woman at a time
  • Bianca's challenges of growing a Fair Trade clothing brand online when you're competing against the mainstream, fast fashion industry 

Visit LOCWOM Australia here

Read Bianca's Blog here

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