Kat Luckock - The Social Entrepreneur Coach

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Jo Godden, Ruby Moon #18

Like many innovative entrepreneurs, increasingly using waste products as a resource for their business, Jo Godden uses nylon fishing nets, reclaimed from the Mediterranean as the sustainable material for her designer gym and swimwear range at Ruby Moon. 

In this weeks podcast she shares her circular economy model of business, as well as her passion for a more sustainable fashion system. 

Not only does Ruby Moon find a purpose for waste nylon fishing nets, recovered from our oceans. For each piece of gym or swimwear sold, Ruby Moon provides a micro-loan to a women in a developing company to start their own enterprise. And because these loans are repaid, they can be 'recycled/re-used' for other women in the future.  

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Jo Godden with Kat Luckock

Unfortunately we had some connection problems this week and it wasn't clear at two points what Jo was saying, so just in case you miss it, at around 1:15 minutes she explains:

"All RubyMoon garments are made from sustainable materials. The swimwear's strong nylon comes from recycled ghost fishing nets recovered from the oceans. This waste material, that would otherwise harm sealife, is removed in the hope of protecting the fish and increasing marine biodiversity.

And at around 7:30, she said:

"Most of the ghost fishing nets are collected on a voluntary basis, as volunteers want to reverse the damage that is being done to sealife. Fishermen are now beginning to understand how vital it is that no fishing nets are left in the ocean, even with respect to their own business - the harm to fish is undoubtedly reducing the numbers of fish available for them to catch and sell. As such, retrieval is mostly a charitable activity.

Take a look at the Ruby Moon gym and swimwear range here

Here are some other sustainable brands, Jo recommends you take a look at:

From Babies With Love: A wonderful brand who make organic clothes for babies, where 100% of their profits are put towards helping orphaned or abandoned children.

Mum's Back: A company who make hamper presents for new mothers, and a percentage of their profits go towards a charity who help those with perinatal mental health problems.

Amberoot: A brand who make womenswear, menswear and a home range, who like us, have both a social and environmental impact.

Terracotta Row: A brand who make bags from recycled materials, all sourced and produced in the UK.

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