Kat Luckock - The Social Entrepreneur Coach

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How to make the most out of your coaching session with Kat

So you’ve booked your coaching session(s), here’s how to make the most out of this investment of your time and money.

Change doesn’t just happen as a result showing up to your coaching session, the real insights, ideas, learnings and change often happens in the days, weeks and months after a coaching session (or series of sessions). It’s the accumulation of the time spent with a coach exploring what’s going on for you underneath the surface and reviewing your progress and actions towards achieving a specific goal where the magic happens.

So if you don’t see or feel results after your first, or a single coaching session, don’t be disheartened the transformation may still be yet to come (and this is normal). This is why most coaches suggest having more than one coaching session, because change takes time.

If you’ve just booked your first or next session with me though here’s how you can make the most out of each coaching session.

How to make the most of your coaching experience with Kat Luckock

  1.  Plan in time before your coaching session to decide what you want to focus on during the session, the following questions may help you

  • What are you working on right now? What are your goals?

  • How are you feeling this week / fortnight?

  • What's been going really well for you? What's not been going so well for you?

  • What have you taken action on / made progress with (since the last call)?

  • What have you not taken action on which you would like to this week/month/quarter?

  • Is there anything you've been struggling to understand or implement?

  • Is there anything you said you wanted to do / be / have which you've struggled to implement or make progress on?

  • What would you most like support /insight on this week/month?


  1. Give yourself some time (10-15 minutes) before the coaching sessions to just focus on you and the topic you want to discuss. If helpful meditate for 10 minutes or do some deep breathing, just so you connect to the present moment and the time you’re about to take to focus on yourself. 

If you have any questions or concerns that come up you can share these with Kat when you start your session. If you decide you’d like to focus on something completely different to what you’d previously suggested in the session that’s ok too, just let Kat know at the start of the session. This coaching time is for you.

  1. Show up to the coaching sessions, even when you're not sure what you need help/support with or what to focus on. Kat can still support you in identifying something to focus on that will be useful for you this week/month. 

  2. On the coaching call, turn everything else off, make sure you’re in a quiet space where you can focus on the call

  3. Allocate time soon after the call (ideally immediately after or on the same day) to reflect on your thoughts, questions and insights from the session. The following questions may help you to reflect on your learning:

  • What we're your insights and takeaways from today's coaching session? 

  • What did you learn about yourself? 

  • What do you need to think / reflect on more following today's session?

  • What was the most useful question Kat asked you?

  • What action will you take as a result of today's session? (Remember action can be doing less and saying no to things; making time to think, feel and be as well as do. Action can also be something super small).

  • Do you need any accountability to take the above action?

  • What did you find most useful about the coaching experience?

  • If you have another session planned in, what would be useful to focus on in the next session(s)?


  1. If you’re super busy and unlikely to pause again until you book in another coaching session, allocate time in a week / month to further reflect on this coaching session, what you’ve learnt about yourself, and the actions you’ve committed to. Make sure you create space and time to create the change / take action towards your goal to see the results of your coaching experience. Don’t just expect them to happen as a result of showing up to your coaching session. 


If you can't show up to the coaching session make sure you email Kat (kat@shareimpact.org) within 48 hours of your schedule call, to reschedule.