Kat Luckock - The Social Entrepreneur Coach

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The mindset that got me to £4k pay in full clients

I want you to know this today....

I don't have it all figured out. My life is far from perfect. It's messy at times. I doubt myself regularly. But I am still able to secure high paying, pay in full clients with confidence and ease.

I allow pricing not to be the thing that holds me back from earning what I truly need and want.

Whenever I increase my prices I have to do a lot of work around my sense of self-worth and value as a business coach and mentor. "New levels, new devils" they say but I know it's always worth doing.

All the questions and doubts come up when I rose my prices to £4k:

  • Who am I to charge this much?

  • Who will pay such a price for what I offer? And why?

  • Can I deliver enough to justify this price? Will I be able to get my clients results?

  • Am I a good enough coach & mentor?

  • Nobody in my industry charges this much!

But once I've decided on a price and put it out there, I get clients happy to pay it. Always!

Because I don't ignore the doubts and feelings about my value and charging what I want when they come up. They're there to be acknowledged and addressed.

If we don't unpack each of them and continue working on them as they evolve with us, we can't share our offers in the energy that we need to attract clients.

Pricing for services can be worked out practically in terms of what it has to be to enable your business to function, but increasingly I like to set my prices based on energy and what I feel excited about charging.

I want every sale I make to feel exciting enough to make me do a little happy dance, inside and out.

So I charge what feels really good to me.

That and the systems I have in place to help me with sales, make the process sooo easy!

It alleviates doubt.

It erases ambiguity.

It dampens fear.

It sets in motion a magnetic energy that attracts dream, ready-to-buy clients

And I know this is possible for you too, to charge whatever you want to for your services because....

  • You are an expert at what you do - and by expert I don't necessarily mean an internationally renowned academic on the subject / process, but a woman with real expertise and knowledge in your craft which you're constantly honing and developing because you have a commitment to personal & professional learning & development. You don't have to be the only one or the best at what you do to charge what you really want.

  • Your clients get incredible results and love working with you / using your services - just check those testimonials they've shared with you

  • You have huge ambitions and a desire to make more money to live your best life and create the impact you want

Allow sales to simply be a meeting of two people, exploring whether they're a good fit for each other, and having an exchange of positive, flowing energy (reflected in payment but also in all the wonderful ways you work together, communicate and exchange with one another).

When we allow ourselves to let go of "pricing stress" and know we are worthy to receive payment for our expertise and services, we allow for wonderful things to happen!

I'm opening up just 8 spots for my new 6 month Mastermind, starting 7th February, to help you step in to your power and have your best year yet in 2022 - impact, income and ease. Email me back if you'd like one of these spots or to ask me a question. It's 2x monthly group calls; group coaching via whatsapp; and bonus trainings as needed by the group. £850 pay in full, with bonus 1;1 coaching call or monthly payment plan (£149/month for 6 months) available.

I can't wait to see who joins.