Kat Luckock - The Social Entrepreneur Coach

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What change do you really want to create?

This question has been coming up a lot lately for me and my clients:

What CHANGE do you really want to create?

It's a question I always come back to with my clients when they're trying to make strategic or operational decisions in their social enterprise, because it often provides an insight or direction to the solution they're looking for.

Why are we here if not to create powerful and meaningful change? And what change (or impact) do we really want to create?

They're important questions to ask ourselves regularly.

We may have set out a big vision 3-6 months ago, maybe even written down an action plan, and felt motivated to get started on the plan but then the day-to-day operations (and let's not forget life) got in the way, our energy and enthusiasm waned and we forgot we'd even done the strategic work and had a plan.

We put it to one side, telling ourselves we'd come back to it when we have more time.

In most cases we haven't checked in with it since then and we've fallen back in to the same old patterns of what we were doing before, never really changing anything or pursuing what we truly desire.

I call this getting stuck in our comfort zone. And the risk of doing the same things over and over again is we're unlikely to ever see different results, and therefore never move forward or closer to achieving our vision. Therefore STUCK!

It screams out to me when clients and social entrepreneurs say to me: "there's just too much going on right now"; "I was on track but then [this] happened"; "something came up that we had to respond to"; "I 'm all for dreaming big but that's just not practical right now (aka I don't want to feel disappointed)".

In all these scenarios what you're really saying is your desires and the change you really want to create doesn't matter. You aren't ready to change. You are not ready to take the risk of creating real change.

AND you're not prioritising the time and space for YOU (the leader and visionary of your business); for your VISION; or the CHANGE you know you are here to create.

That is your choice, of course, however if you are ready, if you are willing to get a little uncomfortable, and if you do want to prioritise you and your vision then you may want to ask yourself these questions, and plan in time to do this regularly:

  • What change do you REALLY want to create?

  • If money was no object, what would you like to achieve over the next 3 month/years? (fill in the timeframe that feels right for you)

  • If anything was possible, what would your role as CEO/Leader really look like - What would you be doing? How much time would you be working? What else would you be doing outside of "work"?

This is where I start with all my clients.

It helps me get to know them and what they really want, but more importantly it gives them permission to reconnect to what they truly desire. To think outside the box. To see if they're doing what they need to in their business to create what they really want to see.

It's not surprising then that this is also what we cover in the first module of my Aligned Sales Mastermind.

Yes we focus on sales in the Mastermind but there's a reason WHY we want and need to create sales in our business, and if we don't connect to this it's impossible to create a sales strategy that works for us or our business.

And that's my goal. To help you have a sales strategy that's aligned to who you are, the way you want to operate your business and helps you achieve the vision and goals you've set out for your social enterprise.

But the Mastermind isn't about teaching you a pre-existing strategy or techniques to make more sales, it's a group programme that goes deep with training and coaching so you can create your unique sales strategy aligned to who you are, who you want to be, and how you want to run your business.

The mastermind simply provides the space for you to do this.

So if you want to find out more and apply to join the Aligned Sales Mastermind, I'm extending the deadline to next Tuesday 2nd February.

As soon as you join you'll get:

  • Your Kickstart Workbook with 12 powerful questions to help you reflect on where you want to be in 4 months time

  • Training #1 - Connecting to what you truly desire

  • An invitation to book your private 1:1 coaching session with me, via zoom (45 minutes). This is where I'll help you reconnect to your big vision, find out what sales/income you really need to generate in your social enterprise to make this happen, and start to plan out how you'll go about doing this.

Find out more about what else is included here.

And remember if you're not ready to join, go back to the questions at the top of this email and give yourself time to answer them and act on the desires and insights that come up for you.

You have the power to create incredible change, don't let your day-to-day "doing" get in the way of what you truly desire.