And so it is done...

I like to instil the power of the possible in my clients, to reassure them that anything is possible.

To encourage them to dream big.

I can't say when it will happen or indeed how.

But I know it is possible in every cell of my body.

I hold that energy for you and remind you that you can step back in to your power whenever you want.

Whatever you desire this year you can take action towards achieving it.

It's simply a decision to go after your dreams. And so it is done!

Being in this energy shifts everything. Not worrying about all the minutiae detail of how.

And when and if it's needed... working with a coach or mentor to explore how it's best for you to do it, your way 💫 (because simply put no other way will truly work). To keep you accountable. To support you in with time to think.

For me this year...right "so and it is done" includes:

💫 3x 1:1 Lead with Impact clients
🔥 2x new coaching clients
➡️ 8 powerhouse women in my Be In Your Power Mastermind
🧘‍♀️ A retreat for female social entrepreneurs (pretty sure it's the only one run in the UK)
🤩 Live run through of my Make Money Whilst Doing Good course, and
😇 Relaunch of my signature Sell to Corporates for social entrepreneurs course!!

....and maybe 🤔 reopening my membership.

What an epic 6 months that would be!!

If you're looking for this kind of energy from a coach, to help you go after your dreams in a way that works authentically to you, join us in the Be In Your Power Mastermind (starts 7th February).