Free coaching sessions in July & August for social impact leaders

**If you've been thinking about how coaching could help you, you are going to want to read this post**

Last week I finally completed my ACTP professional coaching diploma.

What a relief, it had been a long time coming (and actually could have been done two months earlier if I'd just sat down and submitted all the paperwork).

I started the course (with Optimus Coach Academy, highly recommended) last February so I would have the actual knowledge, skills and professional boundaries needed to coach my clients deeply but safely.

I was aware of the difference between mentoring and coaching before I started and I was keen to move to doing more coaching with clients because I knew it would unlock bigger transformations for them and their businesses.

Mentoring & training is great (and I will continue to offer this) but it has it's limitations, and I fundamentally believe everyone has what they need within them to succeed. Coaching simply provides the time, space and skills to navigate ourselves and release our full potential, and yet in my experience so few people have ever experienced really great coaching from a trained professional.

I'm now working towards my ACC accreditation with the International Coaching Federation, which requires me to complete another 50 hours of coaching which I'm well on my way with (and then it's PCC level which requires you to complete 500 hours of coaching!!)

And even more excitingly exploring how coaching has the power to unlock the potential of so many more great leaders and ideas for social change and innovation. One of my long term goals is to develop a network of associate coaches specialising (like me) in supporting social impact leaders who are tackling the status quo (more on this in future emails).

Alongside this, I've been reflecting a lot on my business recently and how I can make an even bigger contribution to the social impact sector and those most in need of coaching and support but unable to access it so I decided on doing something fun, for the end of my birthday month.

**I'm offering 10 hours of free coaching throughout July & August with a pay-it-forward model**

How it works:

  • You can apply via email for a free coaching session (one hour or 30 minutes) I will then send you a booking link to find a suitable time and ask you a couple of questions to a) check we're a good fit b) find out what you'd like to focus on during the call.

  • There is no expectation that you pay. However if you feel able and willing to after the coaching session you can pay-what-you-feel (via paypal) and this will go into a pot to support other social impact leaders receive a free coaching session (in addition to these initial 10 hours)

  • These sessions are for individuals who have a) not worked with me in the past and b) not experienced coaching with a professional coach before and are interested in finding out how it works (at least with me), [note, the coaching profession is growing rapidly around the world but the vast majority of coaches you find on social media aren't professionally trained or accredited] , c) you would otherwise struggle financially to work with me one-to-one (my 1:1 coaching is currently £1250 for 6 sessions)

  • There is no sales pitch at the end of the session (that's not my style), if you want to pay it forward you can simply reach back out to me and ask for the payment link, I will leave this in your capable hands. And if you love the session so much and would like to work with me you can email me or book in here for your next 6 sessions (these are always available and you don't have to access a free session first, you can just go and book right on it)

  • After the session the only thing I will do is email you asking if you would be willing to share a testimonial, again this is not compulsory.

I'm keeping the spaces open however I'm particularly keen to work with and prioritise places for individuals:

  • under 30's

  • those on low income / volunteers / unemployed (but working in / leading a social impact project or enterprise)

  • refugees or asylum seekers

  • women (cis/trans)

  • BIPOC, LGBT individuals and those with disabilities

Please note:

  • If you book one of these sessions you need to decide on one thing to focus on during the call, coaching works best when you have a clear goal for the session, but we can cover any area of your business or life

  • If you're a no-show for the time you book without prior explanation I will not re-schedule for you

  • Coaching works best over a couple of sessions with a coach (which is why my coaching offer includes 6 one hour sessions) that doesn't mean you can have a breakthrough after one session but I want you to be realistic about your expectations from just one session with me.

  • This is not a mentoring session, do not expect to get on a call with me and ask me lots of questions. In a coaching session I will be asking the questions and you will be "doing the work". (If you have a question join me on Thursday at 10am in my Facebook group for my next live Q&A

So there it is. If you've been craving to work with me, or ready to explore what coaching actually is, here's your chance to dive right in, or tell someone else in your network about this opportunity (what an incredible gift that would be).

Want to grab your spot? Email me.