I'm so proud of this

8 years ago (last Thursday, on 20th Jan 2014 to be precise) my best friend, Jen and I facilitated our very first Big Ideas Day with 200 twelve year olds, the first face to face delivery we would do as Directors of our newly formed social enterprise, Solutions for the Planet (IG: @s4tp_bigideas)

It was terrifying but we got through it and never looked back.

Eight years later, the growing Solutions for the Planet team (or family as we like to call them) have:

🙌 worked with 27000 young people in our #BigIdeasProgramme

🤝 grown an incredibly inspiring team of 7 people delivering Big Ideas Days in schools across the UK

🙏 raised over £1,000,000 through incredible trading partnerships (which was always one of our biggest goals at the outset...to change the way social enterprises generate income when working with corporates, from sponsorship to trading partnerships)

💫 launched new strands to the business including S4TP Youth Insights and S4TP Speaks

🙅embedded young people throughout the decision making structures of our business including on the advisory board and board of directors

I am so proud of my part in initiating this award-winning social enterprise with Jen, and even more proud of where she has taken the organisation as CEO.

For me it started an unexpected entrepreneurial journey which has led me to where I am now as a coach rooted in supporting other incredible social enterprise and impact leaders achieve inspiring visions for social and environmental change whilst leading with integrity.

I had no idea this is where I'd be 8 years ago...

We never know what the future holds but when you dive right in and follow your heart amazing things happen.

Imagine what you'll achieve in the next 8 years through your social enterprise.

I'd love to learn more about how it started for you and what you're doing now. Email me back if you'd like to connect.

(👆 these are just the tip of the iceberg highlights, follow @s4tp_bigideas for regular updates on what they're doing and how they're changing lives and making an impact on people's understanding of how we create change.)

Kat Luckock