The truth about making this your best year yet!

Happy new year!

How are you doing? (Seriously I want to know exactly what's going on for you in your business and life right now, and how I can help, so don't be afraid message me via the contact button, or DM me on instagram).

Before we even really get started this year, I want you to know that if you're feeling like you're already behind...stop worrying, you're not.

You're exactly where you need to be.

You don't need to criticise yourself for not having got more done already, be hard on yourself for not achieving more, or set higher standards to "be better" this year.

You're exactly where you need to be and ready to step into your next quantum leap whenever you're ready, in whatever way feels fully aligned.

It can be heard in January, when everyone is talking about "kickstarting the year" back in November; new resolutions; speeding across the start line with all the motivation and energy in the world; when actually all you want to do is ease into it, take your time, think a bit longer about what your 2022 might look like.

So don't worry if you're not doing what everyone else is saying you "should be doing", let go of the pressure...simply lead yourself and go your way.

There's so much I haven't "achieved" that I would have liked to in the last month and year.

So many things I could tell myself I should have done or could have done more of.
So many ideas that didn't get shared or implemented.
So many things I would have liked to have achieved in my business but that would have required me to hustle or sacrifice for.

But I'm just not here for dwelling on the past or giving myself a hard time about what might have been. And that's just not the way I want 2022 to be, or how I choose to be in my business.

I'm in a season of leading my business with ease and flow. Because this mama of two is tired, busy and still figuring it all out. There's no shame or pressure, that's just how my life is right now. Doesn't mean I can't have success in my business, just means things have to be done differently and done in a way that supports me.

Doing what it takes but also taking the pressure off needing to do "all the things".
Simply knowing everything is working out for me in the time its meant to.

Simply enjoying the journey rather than always focusing on the result. << this one is key!

More than ever I'm going to remind myself that life and business are meant to be enjoyed, we're meant to do the things we love!

To be in our power means embracing all the feels, all the realities of life, all our desires and simply be with them as we move through each day. Holding them present allows us to live and work with intention and let go of the unhelpful narratives that can often limit, restrict and hinder us from our true definition of success.

So if you want to achieve incredible things this year, simply maintain the status quo in your business or just take each day as it comes don't worry that its already the 5th day of the year and you don't have it all figured out with a plan. This doesn't mean anything about how your year will go and the success you will have.

I know this will be your best year yet, if you so decide it.

Simply dig in deep to the desire, sit with it, accept it and allow it to unfold in exactly the time it is meant to.

And if you want my support this year reach out (by reply email) to me to discuss how we can work together. Spaces are limited and will book up quickly.

I've just opened up:

  • one spot for 12 months coaching & mentoring with me at £8k;

  • two spots for 6 months coaching & mentoring at £5k and

  • my brand new Mastermind, for you if you know you want to be part of a community of powerhouse women in 2022, creating social change, legacies of impact, and wealth - limited to 8 spots at £850 for 6 months!

Payment plans are available for all offers. Email me for details.

I can't wait to start working with you!

And if you're new here or not really sure who I am yet, what I do and how I do it make sure you're following me over on Instagram or in my Facebook Community - The Impact Entrepreneurs Club so we can get to know each other better. Or better yet, listen to my podcast - my clients tell me there's lots of gold there!

Kat Luckock