Kat Luckock - The Social Entrepreneur Coach

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Why your unique impact story matters….

Do you want the secret to attracting more customers & income as a social entrepreneur?

Good I got your attention, so I know you want to know my secret for attracting more customers and income in your social enterprise....THIS MAKES ME SUPER HAPPY!!

Why? Because I believe all Social Enterprises with a powerful social or environmental mission should make a profit and prosper.

That includes you because when your social enterprise makes a profit and prospers you can deliver more incredible social and environmental impact in the world.

And that’s my goal. To help you (and the whole social enterprise sector) grow so we can tackle the climate crisis, global inequality and the patriarchy once and for all.

So, what’s my secret to attracting customers and income?

  • Know who you’re trying to attract

  • Know what income you want/need and why

  • Know your unique impact story

  • Share that story with your target audience(s) in ways that will grab their attention

  • Test, build, then rinse & repeat!

That’s it – it’s super simple!

Honestly it really is.

But I know it might feel like a lot which is why I've created my Impact Communications That Convert course to break it all down in to bite size chunks, so you can complete all the steps, implement and see the results yourself.

But I know not everyone is ready to buy this course, so over the next 5 days I’m going to share with you how to start building your unique impact story so you have something to share and start talking about with your target audiences.

Truth be told, my hope in sharing this with you is you'll want to know more, go deeper and learn how to implement the other parts of attracting customers and income. And if you do you'll be given the option of buying my course that shares it ALL!

[Just so you know, the cart is open now, so if you’re already dying to jump in you can totally do that and get started today with the Welcome Pack – Planning to Profit & Prosper. The course and weekly group coaching starts next week]

Why your unique impact story matters….

Your impact story is your USP – it’s both the difference you make in the world and what makes you different. If you’re not communicating this then you’re missing a huge opportunity to attract your ideal customers and make sales.

Creating your impact story allows you to then generate a wide range of messaging for you to include in social media posts, blogs, on your website, conferences, presentations, introductions, pitches, sales calls, PR - everywhere. It becomes your go to story to share with everyone you meet. You can break it down into multiple messages for different audiences and channels.

When you have it mapping out your marketing and communications becomes super simple because you know exactly what you need to be saying and sharing.

But how does it work?

Your impact story includes

1.    The reason you exist – your why, the problem your tackling, why you care and why other people should care

2.    What you’re doing to create change (in relation to the problem you’re tackling) – your vision, what you plan to do and examples that explain the journey from now (the problem) to the future (your vision)

3.    Evidence (data) to demonstrate the difference you claim you make

4.    A story, testimonial or case study to bring the data to life

When you combine these four things in your impact story your sharing your ‘why’ in a much deeper way with your target audience. Plus you have multiple parts to your story which can be broken down in to different messages for different platforms and purposes (emails, social media posts, blogs, press releases, presentations etc) - your communications become super easy to plan.

But why does your why matter?

Simon Sinek is the expert of why your why matters, you should watch his video here, or read his book here.

In essence, most businesses talk about functions and benefits because they don’t know why they exist or are not very good at communicating their why. But why connects more deeply. In fact, to the right audiences (the ones you’ve personally selected as your target audience) it’s a gut reaction - a deeper connection based on their vision for the world, their beliefs and values, their emotions and feelings. There’s less rationality and reasoning, it just feels right.

It’s therefore a much more personal and powerful way to connect with your people – whether they are customers, supporters, volunteers, employees or donors.

Trust me….watch Simon’s explanation here.

So now you know why your impact story matters, over the next 4 days I’ll explain exactly what you need to build your own unique impact story, one step at a time.

Speak soon,


Find out more about the Impact Communications That Converts course here