Kat Luckock - The Social Entrepreneur Coach

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Your unique impact story (part 3) – Tell them how you’re changing the world!

[Read part 2 of your unique impact story here]

How are you getting on with building your impact story.

So far you’ve learnt about why your impact story is a powerful way to connect with customers and that your story starts by outlining the problem you want to solve, in a way that your audience will understand and connect with.

The next part of your impact story is all about explaining what you do to solve the problem you’ve identified.

Most social entrepreneurs are great at describing what they do – so you’ll probably already have most of this on your website or any existing publicity you have.

But, in addition to this you should also share your vision for the world (the change you’re trying to create).

By communicating you vision you help people see what change could happen through what you do, it gives them hope and belief that they can be part of the solution too.

For most of us having an impact is a journey. It will take time to achieve our ultimate vision. So although we can share what impact we’ve had to date, if you haven’t had any impact yet you can also share a powerful story by telling your audience what you plan to achieve and the journey you want them to come on with you.  

Tell them about where you’re hoping to go, how they can get involved or support and what difference you’ll be able to make together.  

Remember to describe what you plan to do to achieve this vision and what you’re doing right now. And if you have them use examples to bring to life the journey from now (the problem or status quo) to the future (your vision – where the change has happened).

Tomorrow we’re talking all about the power of demonstrating your impact with evidence.

Discover more about how to use your impact story to attract customers with my Impact Communications that Convert course.