Your unique impact story (part 4) - demonstrate your impact with evidence

How are you getting on with building your unique impact story.

Have you found this mini-training helpful so far?

Today we’re talking all about measuring your impact so you can provide evidence.

In a world of fake news – trust, transparency and evidence matters more than ever!

It’s not enough to just say you’re delivering incredible impact you need to be able to demonstrate your impact with some kind of evidence. This is an essential part of your overall impact story.

If you haven’t started delivering your project, programme or impact initiative yet don’t worry you can still share this part of your story by telling your audience what evidence you plan to have to demonstrate your making a difference.

When we were starting out with Solutions for the Planet (my first social enterprise) we didn’t have any evidence of what we did worked, but our business partners wanted to know how we planned to measure the impact. They had key areas they wanted to be able to show a difference had been made if they invested in us and by us knowing what we planned to measure and how we were able to reassure them we would measure these things.

If you’re further along and been doing your thing for a while, think about what evidence you already have that demonstrates you’re making a difference / creating a change.

Now measuring and demonstrating your impact is not always the easiest of things, I get that – that’s why I set up my business to help you get this done.

The key to remember is impact measurement is a journey, you don’t have to do everything right now. Just a little goes a long way. As does sharing with your audience what you’re planning to measure in the future. So start where you’re at, measure what you can now with the capacity you have and make a note of things you’d like to be able to measure going forward.

But if impact measurement and evidence is something you’re really struggling with understanding then let’s jump on a call to make it simpler. I offer 30 minute free calls to help you clarify your impact and how to measure it. You can book in here.

Tomorrow we finish up this mini-series with the final piece of the puzzle.

Speak soon, Kat x

Kat Luckock is an Impact Strategist and Business Coach for Social Entrepreneurs

She is passionate about helping social entrepreneurs measure and communicate their social or environmental impact so they can confidently communicate: why they exist, the difference they make and why others should care.

She provides 1:1 mentoring & coaching, online courses, training, and done for you services (impact measurement and impact communications planning)

Want to find out more about how she could help you attract more customers and income? Book your free, no-obligation impact strategy call here.

Kat Luckock