#40 How I'm getting through lockdown

After 7 weeks in lockdown, here in Wales, I thought it was about time I share some very uninteresting insights in to how I'm getting through this second major lockdown. Yes we're going there. It's something we're all dealing with in our own ways right now so it felt weird not to talk about it here on the podcast.

After 7 weeks in lockdown, here in Wales, I thought it was about time I share some very uninteresting insights in to how I'm getting through this second major lockdown.

Yes we're going there.

It's something we're all dealing with in our own ways right now so it felt weird not to talk about it here on the podcast.

For those of you not in the UK, we've been restricted to our homes since the 19th December, only allowed to go out for shopping or daily exercise. Schools are closed and everyone who can work from home is to work from home.

It's tough. And we still don't know when the restrictions will be lifted.

So just to remind you you're not alone, we each find our own way of coping (or not) I just thought I'd talk about it a little here.

Listen to this podcast on Spotify here and Apple Podcasts here.