What you can expect from me over the next 6 months, whilst I'm on maternity

I can't quite believe it's the last week of September already (and I've just started having conversations with my family about Christmas!!!)

But what's also exciting for me about today is it's one month from my due date for baby #2's arrival (at the end of October).

And with this in mind I wanted to be in touch and let you know what you can expect from me over the next 6 months as I transition in to this new season of maternity, birth, being a mum of two and biz owner.

If you've been reading or following any of my content over the past few months you'll know, the business isn't closing, going dormant or stopping delivering it's amazing services to help you grow your income and impact. I didn't want that this time. I wanted my business to continue and not be reliant on me.

So it's simply just changing a little to adapt to me not being front and centre, for 6 months.

But these changes are important for you to know about because I want you to still have the support, inspiration and access to me when you need it. I'm not committing to delivering anything live until March 2022. However I have adapted all my courses & programmes for self-study so you don't have to wait. Plus you'll still have access to me in each of the courses' private FB communities, where I will still be active. And you benefit from all the courses being at a lower price whilst they're not delivered live by me.

In addition to this you'll be able to:

> Access my free resourcesblog posts and weekly podcast episodes which have all been pre-recorded and soon to be scheduled

> Join one of my self-study courses (Make Money Whilst Doing Good; Aligned Sales; Sell to Corporates) or the Thrive Society - my monthly membership for social impact leaders ready to THRIVE!

> Message me directly and keep in touch via InstagramFacebook and email (albeit with a slightly slower response time)

I have just two 1:1 coaching (£1200) and one 1:1 mentoring (£5000) spots available, to start immediately (and continue in December / January, after I've had the baby), if you've been on the fence for a while. The benefit of working with me 1:1 NOW is you'll actually get 6-8 weeks extra with me, whilst I'm "off" between Oct-Dec, because I'll still be providing mentoring & coaching support via whatsapp.

Book a call this week here if you'd like to find out more about working with 1:1 (limited spaces).

Don't forget if you're not yet a member of the Impact Entrepreneurs Club Facebook Group do come and join us, so you connect with hundreds of other inspired social impact business owners and social entrepreneurs from around the world - we'd love you to share your story in the group!

So hopefully your experience will not change.

My team are in place supporting me all the way through maternity, to ensure this.

The plan is to maintain and GROW the business over the next 6 months, as I have HUGE plans for 2022 and beyond!

Whatever you believe about what is and isn't possible, with time, knowledge and expertise you have, I want you to know you can GO FOR IT! Your dreams are placed on your heart for a reason....for you to pursue them. It doesn't have to be about pressure to do more. It's actually about letting go, going with the flow and following your hearts desire.

Who knows what the future holds.

But with intention we can create the right path to uncovering all that is evolving anyway.

You've got this!

You're definition of success and freedom is in motion (or can be), with financial abundance and the ability to create incredibly powerful social and environmental change.

Follow my unfolding story here on Instagram over the next 6 months, and see how the Social Entrepreneur Coach thrives, despite exhaustion, being a mum of two (under 3), running a business, not having access to all the resources she needs, not always "knowing the way", but committed to having fun and living a full life.

Get in touch if you have any questions...I LOVE responding to your emails personally.

Kat Luckock