#85 Your 2022 pep talk

If there’s one thing I know to be true, we all doubt ourselves.

Some more than others, some more so at particular times than others, but the doubt is there at different times and in different amounts.
Just because I’ve had success in my business, and you love listening to me twoddle on, on this podcast, just because I’m a coach doesn’t mean I don’t doubt myself, my business, and everything I do in it at times. And sometimes ALL THE TIME!
Doubt, like the annoying inner voice in my head, is something I’ve just learnt to live with.
Learnt to accept, and learn from.

Why am I dwelling on doubt?

Because I want you to know that the doubt you’re feeling about whether you’re doing the right thing, whether you’re business will make more money this year; whether you’ll fill your services and programmes is all completely normal; whether anyone cares what you do; and actually even needs your services. This doubt in no way reflects whether or not you’ll have any success.

What will define your results and level of success is how you choose to be regardless of this doubt. What you choose to go for. What you courageously step into.

It will be about…

Whether you choose to show up, even if you wonder whether it will make any difference.

Whether you dare to share the thing you’re nervous to talk about, in case someone judges you or worse mis-understands you.

Whether you dare to voice the part of you that’s often unspoken or unheard.

Whether you step in to being the woman you imagine you could be, and create what you desire.

Whether you deeply believe in the power that you hold to create your own reality.

This is how you overcome doubt, not by getting rid of it (trying to figure out why its there and how to erase it) but by moving through it, beyond it, to living in the “possible”. Living in what could happen even with this feeling of doubt? Because the opposite of doubt, I think, is hope, opportunity, possibility. Things we don’t know for sure but can lean into, try out, embrace….

Whether you believe it or not, I know that if you’re listening to this podcast you already have everything you need within you to create what you desire from your business. I know you have this huge vision you’re excited to create. I know you hold it in your heart, sometimes scared to let it out for fear of how others will understand or interpret it, how you’ll be looked upon for daring to dream so big.

But that vision is yours for the taking, yours for the creating. Yours and no-one elses. It’s within you and is ready to be created.

So if you’ve been feeling doubtful of what is possible this year. Know this you have everything in your power.

That first client. That next big milestone. That huge impact goal. Whatever it is you’ve got this and 2022 is going to be your best year yet!

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