Posts tagged Inspired Leadership
#85 Your 2022 pep talk

If you’ve ever felt doubt about your business or your ability to create the success you truly desire, listen to this episode.

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#71 Being the CEO and what that really means

In this episode I share what being the CEO means, it's a lot simpler than you might think and you're probably ready for it now.

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#70 Understanding and breaking bias as a social impact leader with Rosa Arias-Yague

In this episode we talk to expert Rosa about how we can learn more and understand our own biases, so we can limit the harm we have.

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#68 Self-care as a social mission? with Ashley Rachel

I love the way Ashley approaches and talks about self-care and supports women entrepreneurs to honour themselves first and reconnect with their intuition as a powerful way to make decisions and lead. She supports female entrepreneurs in the mindset work to love themselves, trust themselves, and overcome self doubt and limiting belies as they grow there businesses.

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#59 Disrupting Leadership for a fairer, more inclusive society with Georgina Wilson

Georgina's been supporting leaders for positive change for over 10 years in enterprise and community using a variety of methods and tools. Her focus is to enable leaders and emerging leaders to unearth their potential and power and to move them towards action and creating change.

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#57 Taking a break, pregnancy and business building

Why sometimes we're called to take a break and stop doing all the things in our business.

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#55 Finding your FIERCE with Brita Fernandez Schmidt

Driven by her purpose, Brita believes that every woman has a fierce power to fulfill her dreams. (I can't agree more!) She coaches women to help them transform their lives by awakening and acting on, the power they have within. Brita is an advocate and promoter of women’s power, women’s rights and equality and the author of Fears to Fierce - a woman's guide to stepping into her power.

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#39 Possibility vs Power & Pity in Volunteerism with Breauna Dorelus

Volunteering is a large and important part of the non-profit sector, as well as social impact and social justice organisations. However, despite people genuinely coming to volunteer from a place of altruism or wanting to make a difference, entrenched bias', prejudices and power can mean volunteering creates more harm than good to individuals and communities.

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