Posts in USA
#39 Possibility vs Power & Pity in Volunteerism with Breauna Dorelus

Volunteering is a large and important part of the non-profit sector, as well as social impact and social justice organisations. However, despite people genuinely coming to volunteer from a place of altruism or wanting to make a difference, entrenched bias', prejudices and power can mean volunteering creates more harm than good to individuals and communities.

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Fighting poverty through sustainable employment & fairtrade in East Africa, with Megan Kitt

Discover how Megan Kitt is tackling poverty in East Africa through her social enterprise, Tuli. Tuli is a fairtrade jewellery business creating social impact through sustainable employment and economic independence for the people she employs.

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Karen Gross, Citizen Discourse #37

In this weeks podcast I speak to Karen Gross from Citizen Discourse in Texas, USA on her new social network connecting teenagers encouraging more thoughtful and mindful conversation and civil discourse online.

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Tara Dodson, Full Circle Resource Management

How many festivals or events have you attended where you'd wish they'd provided recycling?What about when you go to a restaurant or fast-food takeaway and you're given your food in plastic containers, styro-foam (polystyrene) cups? Or maybe you get frustrated with plastic straws at your local bar? This is exactly why Tara Dodson, founder of Full Circle Resource Management set up her business out of frustration.

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