Posts in Fair Trade
#33 Exceeding 2020 revenue goal by 12% despite Covid-19 with Veena Isoaho

To end the year I wanted to share two inspiring stories of social entrepreneurs who have exceeded their revenue goals, despite real challenges to their social enterprises in 2020, due to covid-19. In this first interview, I speak to Veena Isoaho who expanded her shade-grown coffee business, Coronmandel Coast by opening up a coffee shop - Filtr, in November 2019.

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Building your African fashion business with Jacqueline Shaw

There is much that Jacqueline Shaw doesn't know about sourcing and manufacturing in Africa. An author, international speaker, university lecturer plus business coach and business owner Jacqueline is passionate about changing the narrative of what Africa has to offer the fashion and textile industry as well as how should and can be ethical and creating lasting social impact. She shares all here.

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Fighting poverty through sustainable employment & fairtrade in East Africa, with Megan Kitt

Discover how Megan Kitt is tackling poverty in East Africa through her social enterprise, Tuli. Tuli is a fairtrade jewellery business creating social impact through sustainable employment and economic independence for the people she employs.

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Bianca Caruana, LOCWOM Australia #38

This week we talk to ethical blogger, podcaster and Foudner of LOCWOM Australia, Bianca Caruana who’s working to support women’s economic development in Nepal, through selling LOCWOM’s handmade clothes and accessories.

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