Posts tagged entrepreneur
#81 How an OBM & Integrator can help you scale your business with Elizabeth Broderick

Elizabeth helps me and other small business owners create a business and lifestyle that is sustainable, prevents burnout, and prepares their business for growth or change.

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#79 How a VA can help you grow and develop your business with Davey & Daphnah

Hiring the Eco Helper helped me raise my game and become more strategic. That’s why I’m super excited to share this episode with you today.

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#47 Transforming your existing business into a social enterprise with Jenny Adjene

One of the best approaches to creating social impact is not necessarily to create a brand new social enterprise, but to buy and existing business and turn it in to a social enterprise. Why? Because an existing business is already established, it has a client or customer base, it has established revenue streams, a well known brand and identity. It's already operating. So all the challenges of starting a new business or eradicated or at least significantly reduced. Yes there's obviously changes required in implementing a clear social purpose or embedding new ways of operating but it could be easier and cheaper.

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Bianca Caruana, LOCWOM Australia #38

This week we talk to ethical blogger, podcaster and Foudner of LOCWOM Australia, Bianca Caruana who’s working to support women’s economic development in Nepal, through selling LOCWOM’s handmade clothes and accessories.

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Sophie Roberts, West Plum Studio #34

West Plum Studio is an ethical design studio based in York. Inspired by nature, architecture and other cultures Sophie creates surface pattern designs with triangles - she's a little obsessed. She adds these designs to cards and on organic fabric and tells us about how she’s growing her business.

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Joanne Harrop, PlacEd #14

How do we get people involved in imagining, designing and creating the built environment around them and within the communities in which they live? This is the question Joanne Harrop, Founder of PlacEd sought to answer when she set up her social enterprise. 

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Why Share Impact?

Why Share Impact? A new podcast for female social entrepreneurs, a different story each week. Why I've set up Share Impact and how you can help to spread the message that social entrepreneurship is the way business will operate now and in the future. 

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