Why Share Impact?

Ask yourself, did you ever plan to be a social entrepreneur?

My first interview with Elin made me ask and reflect on this question. For me I have to answer no. I didn't even know such a thing existed 5 years ago, never mind at school or university when I was trying to decide what career to pursue.

I suppose we just end up following our passion for change, having belief in it and pursuing it with purpose, consistently taking the action we need to take to make progress. And along the way we learn and one day find ourselves creating change as social entrepreneurs.  

I'm passionate about social entrepreneurship and want to see the sector grow and develop. I'm particularly interested in how we can support one another, and create a supply chain which creates value and positive impacts for society and the environment. In my mind we essentially need more customers and need to make consumers think more about what value they add by buying products and services. We therefore need to tell more people about who we are and what we do, communicating the added value and social impact we create in running our businesses, designing and selling our products and delivering our services. 

This podcast is my first part to making this happen. Sharing the voices of social entrepreneurs, so more people know about who we are and what we do.

I need your help so please sign up to the podcast, share it with friends, colleagues and lets start telling the world about the impact you create. 

If you'd like to join the podcast then please get in touch I'd love to hear all about what you do. 

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