Posts tagged community
#79 How a VA can help you grow and develop your business with Davey & Daphnah

Hiring the Eco Helper helped me raise my game and become more strategic. That’s why I’m super excited to share this episode with you today.

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Joanne Harrop, PlacEd #14

How do we get people involved in imagining, designing and creating the built environment around them and within the communities in which they live? This is the question Joanne Harrop, Founder of PlacEd sought to answer when she set up her social enterprise. 

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Alison Hill, Caia Park Partnership #4

What makes a community? And what makes a community and its residents successful?

Alison Hill tells us the story of how the Caia Park Partnership was set up 20 years ago by local residents responding to disparaging conclusions from an academic. 

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Kate Welch OBE, Social Enterprise Acumen #3

In this hour long podcast, Kate shares her extensive experience of setting up and running more than 14 social enterprises. As well the impact Social Enterprise Acumen has in the North East through supporting start-ups, scale-up and creating an eco-system of support. 

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