Alison Hill, Caia Park Partnership #4

The making of a community 

What makes a community? And what makes a community and its residents successful?

This week we're with Alison Hill, Chief Officer from Caia Park Partnership in Wrexham. She tells us the story of how the partnership was set up 20 years ago by local residents responding to disparaging conclusions from an academic. 

It's only more recently they've developed a trading arm and about 12 social enterprises, providing lots of different services for the local community including meals on wheels, childcare, cafe etc. Their focus is on creating relevant and suitable jobs for local residents, through social enterprises which in turn help the community through their services.  

Alison also shares the challenges they've faced in becoming entrepreneurial and the areas she still needs support with. We also discuss the challenges of measuring impact. 


Find out more about The Caia Park Partnership here

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