Posts tagged support
Kari Enge, Rank & File #17

Kari Enge shares her reflections on the power of servant leadership, a concept that if practiced could transform your work ethic, business and life!

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Solene Pignet, Creators for Good #16

A slightly different social entrepreneur this week, one who's business is all about supporting other people set up impactful and sustainable social enterprises all over the world. Solene Pignet, is French but lives in Turkey and travels when she wants to, whilst running her online social enterprise - Creators for Good

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Kate Welch OBE, Social Enterprise Acumen #3

In this hour long podcast, Kate shares her extensive experience of setting up and running more than 14 social enterprises. As well the impact Social Enterprise Acumen has in the North East through supporting start-ups, scale-up and creating an eco-system of support. 

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