Posts tagged online
Tahni Aitken, Kudu & Mimi #22

Kudu & Mimi is a fantastic example of doing good business. Not only is the ethics and environment considered in sourcing and manufacturing the products they sell, the profits go towards a local charity the founders are passionate about. Tahni Aitken shares her story of setting up Kudu & Mimi with her sister. 

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Jo Godden, Ruby Moon #18

Like many innovative entrepreneurs, increasingly using waste products as a resource for their business, Jo-Anne Godden uses nylon fishing nets, reclaimed from the Mediterranean as the sustainable material for her designer gym and swimwear range at Ruby Moon. 

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Kari Enge, Rank & File #17

Kari Enge shares her reflections on the power of servant leadership, a concept that if practiced could transform your work ethic, business and life!

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