Posts tagged Environmental
#41 Testing your idea and mistakes to avoid when starting your social enterprise with Maiko Schaffrath

In this weeks podcast Maiko Schaffrath shares the mistakes to avoid when starting you social enterprise, from the lessons he's learnt talking to hundreds of impact-entrepreneurs over the past 3 years, as well as his own experience of setting up a social impact business. He also shares about the importance of testing your idea and how to go about doing this.

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Dr Pragya Agarwal, The Art Tiffin #31

Tiffin is an Indian midday snack which refreshes and nourishes. Pragya was inspired by this idea as she created her cruelty free and vegan art subscription box, which helps people take some time out of their busy day to be creative and mindful. 

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Madeline Petrow & Lenny Leeman, MAMOQ #29

MAMOQ is a curated, fashion marketplace for the conscious consumer, it includes 35 carefully selected brands and tells the story of each as well as their ethical or environmental ethos. Find out how to get 10% of your first order. 

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Tara Dodson, Full Circle Resource Management

How many festivals or events have you attended where you'd wish they'd provided recycling?What about when you go to a restaurant or fast-food takeaway and you're given your food in plastic containers, styro-foam (polystyrene) cups? Or maybe you get frustrated with plastic straws at your local bar? This is exactly why Tara Dodson, founder of Full Circle Resource Management set up her business out of frustration.

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