Stacey Jade Mason, Creative Optimistic Visions #12

This weeks podcast is with the wonderful Stacey-Jade Mason, Founding Director of Creative Optimistic Visions.

Two years before she set up the organisation she was creating programmes for her future vision. Her passion for what she does is infectious, as she talks from a true place of authority and authenticity.

She shares her unique approach to working with young people at risk of victimisation and abuse, using the protective behaviours process. A focus on what feeling safe is rather than just being safe.

After three years, she has developed a wide variety of programmes working young people, vulnerable women and professionals working with these groups to prevent victimisation, abuse and bullying.   

As discussed in the podcast Stacey tackles issues that most people don't even want to think about. She draws from her own experience, to ensure no-one else has to suffer the difficulties she's found herself in. 

This powerful story is not to be missed. 

Find out more about Creative Optimistic Visions here

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