Julia Lynch, Global Girl Project #11

Tackling the lack of opportunity for leadership training amongst young women in developing countries, Julia Lynch has set up the Global Girl Project.

It’s a social enterprise offering young women the opportunity to attend an 8 week leadership programme in another country to their own. For the first three years this was in LA, USA but this year will be to Nepal.

In this podcast, Julia tells us the story of facing her worst fear whilst travelling in Nepal and the powerful affect being challenged and scared had on her own personal development. Recognising this she wanted enable this opportunity for others. 

Julia tells us about the amazing projects the girls on her project have gone home to deliver in their own communicates as a result of the programme; and her dream of one day being able to share the stories of these girls as strong female role models for girls, in a published book. 

It’s well worth waiting to the end of this podcast to hear Julia’s thoughts on what makes a great leader.

Find out more about Global Girl Project here.

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