Posts tagged Travel
Understanding the impact of tourism with Vicky Smith

It was an absolute pleasure to have Vicky Smith, Founder of Earth-Changers on the podcast this week, sharing her extensive knowledge and expertise on everything to do with the travel industry, including our contribution to it as businesses and consumers/travellers.

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Mandeep Kaur, Tribes for Good #35

In this weeks episode we talk to Mandeep Kaur, co-Founder of Tribes for Good who develop the potential of individuals as changemakers, through their culturally immersive, educational and impactful experiences in India. Recognising there was a gap for people who wanted to be employees not CEO’s and Founders of social entrepreneurs, Tribes for Good was created.

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Sanne Meijboom, I-Like Local #24

The trend for home-stays, farm-work holidays and other 'live like a local' adventures is growing in the tourism industry....but how do we know we are experiencing something authentic or contributing positively to the people we stay with, or local economy? Sanne Mejiboom has answered this with her social business: I-Like Local. 

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