Kat Luckock - The Social Entrepreneur Coach

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DON'T do this when you're not making sales!

If sales are a struggle for you right now, and you just don't have the cashflow you expected at this stage in your business, I want to encourage you not to do this ONE thing.

DO NOT lower your prices.

Your price is the least likely reason why your people aren't buying.

If you're not making sales it's more likely to do with one of the following things:

  1. You're not creating content that speaks directly to the soul of your client (and this is usually because you're not very clear on who your soul client is)

  2. You're not talking regularly (to your soul clients) about the results or outcomes people will experience from working with you

  3. You're not creating content that's helping your soul clients really get to know and trust you, so they don't see you as THE person to go to (yet!)

  4. You're not fully behind your price, so you're not excited to share your incredible, life-changing services

  5. You aren't willing to believe there are ready-to-buy clients out there waiting for you

  6. You've not made it super simple for people to book a call or buy from you (aka in one click)!

  7. You haven't reached out to the 5+ people you know could be interested, or help you reach your next 5 clients

  8. Deep down you still believe making money (and dare I say profit) from what you love doing isn't right

Am I right?

Which of the above statements resonated for you?

Remember, your ready-to-buy clients are exactly that, they have the capability to pay, your price point is a no-brainer for them and they want your service. But they can't know they want / need your service if you're not connecting with them, building trust with them and actually sharing your services with them as if you actually were excited to get started working with them.

So don't lower your prices, focus on the things that will actually shift the way your prospective clients find and connect with you.

Speak soon x