My mission....

I've been working on my mission a lot over the past few weeks. I've been doing a lot of work thinking about the difference I'm making and the difference I want to make through my business - Share Impact.

It's been over three years since I started my business and a lot has changed, so it makes sense to review my mission and objectives, but it doesn't always come easily.

Today whilst I was working on my content pillars for my communication and marketing strategy, I worte this and it suddenly felt really right.

"Supporting womxn to create and lead thriving social enterprises with courage, wisdom and a powerful vision for change"

What do you think?

It's this last part that's new and I feel really gives it strength and clarity (for me at least): "with courage, wisdom and a powerful vision for change".

I come in to contact with a lot of women who often have a vision for a world that doesn't exist yet, and this is the purpose of their organisation to create that change.

This new world requires courage.

It requires challenging deep-rooted systems, structures and cultures that are often oppressive, archaic, and at best out-dated. It requires new ideas, inspired leadership and wisdom.

It requires more women. It requires more women to participate more fully in public life; to be in decision making and leadership roles, making the decisions. And to lift other women and girls with them as they rise.

Many of the inspiring women I meet, who are leading amazing organisations for social change (or setting them up)....just like you by the way!.....are fearful of stepping out, speaking their truth, sharing their wisdom, trusting what they know, see or believe to be true.

They're often seeking support to overcome their fear, or feel more courageous.

It is courageous to step beyond this the status quo, and I want to support more women to do this, in a way that feels deeply aligned to who they are and the vision they have.

To lean in to their truth and know their wisdom is enough and powerful when they share it.

To know that if they believe the vision they have for a different world is possible; that it has come to them for a reason; and that they choose to pursue it with purpose, the world instantly becomes a radically different world almost immediately, simply by them speaking their truth and taking action.

Because that is all it takes, courage to use our voice and take action based on our wisdom and vision for change.

That's a world I'm excited to live in. A world I want to be part of creating. A world I want you to contribute to.

What do you think? Is it an exciting mission that lights you up and helps you understand what I aim to do?

I'd love to know your thoughts on my mission, and if you're willing, for you to share your vision and/or mission with me so I can celebrate the incredible courage and wisdom you have too with my audience next month for International Women's Day.

I'm choosing to dedicate a whole month to celebrating women creating social and environmental change through entrepreneurship, next month and I'd love to include you too. Don't be afraid it doesn't matter what stage you are at, I'm here to support you.