#69 Insights from building my growth team


As I’m preparing for maternity leave in October and scaling back my own tasks, behind the scenes we’re actually busy scaling up the business and really staying intentional and focused on what we want to achieve over the next six to eight months.

I've been having questions from a number of you- “How are you doing it? How are you preparing for maternity leave? Who do you have on your team?”

Clients are also curious- “I want to build a team. But I'm not sure how or when the right time is. I'm not sure who I need or how many people to bring onto my team? What do I get them to do? What are the first few things I should outsource or get support with?”

So in this episode of the Creating Social Impact podcast, we're gonna look at all of these questions. I'm sharing directly from my experience and insights of how I am building my own growth team.

Wherever you are in your business, I hope this episode is helpful in thinking about how you could start to build out your own team, bringing people on to help you scale and grow your business and social impact in whatever way that looks like for you.

Resource mentioned: Asana is the project management system my team and I use to organize, track and manage our work together.

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