#64 The simple shift in perspective to attract more dream clients

If you've ever doubted your ability to generate sales or increase your sales revenue as a social entrepreneur then friend, this episode is for you.

If you doubt whether you'll reach your income goal, worry about whether your prices are too high, are constantly thinking about changing your prices or offer, wondering how to market to the "right people", worried about whether it's the "right" offer, and how you're going to persuade anyone to buy....then listen in.

There's no more need for doubt, questioning, wondering or worrying. In this episode I share the simple shift in perspective that's required to attract more of your dream customers, with ease and without worry.

It's simple and effective. And it's completely transformed my business.

As people motivated by a desire to create positive change in the world, and live and work aligned to our values, it's important our sales are aligned to our values too, and yet all too often we reject these to listen to what the "sales guru's" say we need to do.

I'm here to tell you, you can define and do sales your way, aligned to your values.

And if you want to learn more I have a few more spaces in my Aligned Sales Mastermind starting next week, find out more and join us here.

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