Posts tagged Income Generation
#93 Messaging that attracts attention and creates £5k months

In this episode I share what you need to do to create messaging that attracts the attention of your dream, ready-to-buy clients so you can create more consistent income in your business.

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#78 Why you should be making £40k a year

In this episode there are five different areas I talk about why I think this matters. As well as some practical reflections for you to think about how you can put this in place and how it fits within your current business.

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#66 The power of your WHY

I believe your WHY can help you find clarity, make decisions, take action and find solutions to the things you're unsure about at the moment. In this episode I talk about how knowing your WHY can help you define your impact strategy, decide what and how to measure your social impact and how it can help you make more money in your business.

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#64 The simple shift in perspective to attract more dream clients

If you've ever doubted your ability to generate sales or increase your sales revenue as a social entrepreneur then friend, this episode is for you. As people motivated by a desire to create positive change in the world, and live and work aligned to our values, it's important our sales are aligned to our values too. I share the simple shift in perspective that's required to attract more of your dream customers, with ease and without worry.

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#63 How pricing decisions impact our social impact

As a service based business owner, you want to work with ethical businesses, social enterprises, campaigning organisations and charities. You want to be part of creating change in the world, and you see you can add value in this way with your knowledge and skills. You need to step outside of your comfort zone and create some new beliefs about wealth, value and pricing. In fact, we all need to shift our thinking when it comes to aligning price with value.

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#60 Lessons I learnt from doubling my sales

I've made more than twice as much in the last 4.5 months than I did in the whole previous 12 months. How did this change come about and what have I learnt? I share it all in this episode.

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#44 7 ways to generate income in your social enterprise

Is what your doing now in your business helping you to achieve the income you require to run a sustainable social enterprise? I know sometimes we can get stuck trying the same approaches and unsure of what other options there are. In this episode I share 7 different ways you could consider generating income in your social enterprise. You don't have to do them all, my purpose here is simply to provide ideas and inspiration for you to consider.

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#19 Three ways to generate income from corporates as social enterprise

Discover the three different models you can generate income from selling to corporates in this episode. Perfect if you’re service based, have specific knowledge and skills, or wanting to create impact with corporates.

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#17 Two steps to achieve your monthly income goal

If you’ve been struggling to reach your monthly income goal for a while, or don’t even have one then this is the episode for you. This is where I get started with all my clients (1:1 and group programmes). Without this first step you can’t move forward.

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