#78 Why you should be making £40k a year


This is something that's been brewing in me for a while and wanted to share, but I’ve held back because of my own fear of how you will respond.

I feel it's so important as women, as CEOs, as people leading for-purpose impactful social environmental businesses, that we need to change the conversation about how much it's okay to earn. Actually, this will help the whole sector change the way it thinks about paying. There is too much focus on paying the living wage (And I'm 100% behind that campaign. I think it's really, really important.) but it's not enough for the incredible skills, expertise, lived experience, knowledge and time people give to their work. 

This episode is for the empowered woman who knows she should be earning more in her business right now but is too afraid to set that goal of what she really wants. Whether it's 40k or whether it's another 5k on top of what you're already earning. I know deep down you want to be earning more not out of a place of greed, not out of place of just needing or wanting more, but out of a place of knowing that it’s going to help you, your family and all the things you want to be able to contribute to more.

In this episode there are five different areas I talk about why I think this matters. As well as some practical reflections for you to think about how you can put this in place and how it fits within your current business.

Have a listen and join me in this important and necessary conversation. 

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