Posts tagged corporate partners
#19 Three ways to generate income from corporates as social enterprise

Discover the three different models you can generate income from selling to corporates in this episode. Perfect if you’re service based, have specific knowledge and skills, or wanting to create impact with corporates.

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Jen Baughan, Solutions for the Planet #20

Learn more about the amazing organisation where I first learnt about social entrepreneurship and it's ability to transform lives, the way we lead businesses and consume, with my best friend and colleague Jen Baughan, CEO of Solutions for the Planet. 

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Barbara Wilson, Working With Cancer #19

There are over 750,00 people of working age living with cancer in the UK. Many want to return to work but without the right support many struggle to do so. In this weeks podcast Barbara Wilson explains how her organisation, Working With Cancer supports people and their employers back in to work. 

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