Kat Luckock - The Social Entrepreneur Coach

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Time for change, time for social impact

You are not like everyone else.

You are unique.

YOU had this spark of an idea, unique to you and YOU chose to go for it.

That makes you special, powerful, a changemaker.

I know you're not motivated by money and wealth but deep down you know the importance of having a regular income that pays the bills, allows you to do nice things and enables you to put away a little bit each month to save for your future.

This isn't greedy, wrong or selfish this is NORMAL AND worth acknowledging as NECCESSARY to create the social impact you want to create (and you know is so desperately needed in this world).

The old adage of you can't give from an empty cup is so true.

You can't give your social enterprise your all if you're worrying every month about where your income is coming from, how you're going to pay the bills and whether you should carry on paying money out when you're not seeing any coming in.

Your social enterprise should not drain you.

Your social enterprise should not eat up your savings and add debt to your credit card.

Your social enterprise should not put you in a feeling of risk and fear.

It should light you up. It should drive your passion. It should excite and energise you everyday.

It was the only thing I really focused on for the first three years of starting my social enterprise - what's my income goal? How I am going to achieve it? And, what do I need to do each month to bring it in?

Every thing else is secondary, because without this income we can't survive. Without this income I can't deliver what I'm here to deliver - powerful social and environmental change!

Why am I sharing this today, after being quite quiet for the past few weeks? Because this is why I created Share Impact, to ensure social entrepreneurs like you thrive in what they do. So social entrepreneurs know how to generate sales and income to sustain their social impact. So collectively we can create radical change in our society and economy for sustainability, equality and justice.

I know I've been distant for the past few weeks (and months), I've been focusing in on what I'm really about and who I really want to support. I've been digging deep and learning.

And it keeps coming back to this core message that we have sustain ourselves first before we can create the change we want to see in the world.

Because what's the point in campaigning for the living wage, fairtrade and women's rights when you're not paying yourself what you're worth (which btw is sooo much more than what you're paying yourself right now).

Because what's the point in tackling climate change if we don't radically transform our economic system for good, so our economy supports sustainable, regenerative and equitable enterprises (which btw starts with you understanding how to generate sustainable income in your own social enterprise and leading the way for others).

Because what's the point in empowering and educating young people to pursue their wildest desires when you don't prioritise these for yourself.

The time for change is now {{ subscriber.first_name }}. And change starts at home, or more precisely in your social enterprise. And that starts with you - the Founder and CEO.

So, here's 5 questions to get you started:

  • How much do you need to earn each month to be stress-free?

  • How much do you want to earn each month to live as you truly desire? (Answer this truthfully without judgement, need external validation, or justification for the amount - be bold and just state what you truly desire).

  • What does this really mean for your business income? How much do you need to earn each month to cover all your costs, pay your desired income and generate a small profit? (Don't worry I know this feels like a lot but it is what it takes to create radical transformative change, and its OKAY)

  • Is what you're doing now to generate income helping you to achieve this required income goal? Will it in time? What else needs to happen?

  • If no, when are you going to create a shift in how you generate income so you can start feeling relaxed with what's coming in every month, and importantly get on with creating the impact - which let's face it is the real reason you got in to this business.

I know it feels hard and there may be some resistance but I promise that when you've cracked your income plan, when you know what you need to do each month to bring in the cash you need to sustain your business, you can get to work on the thing that fuels you - your social impact.

Your vision is too important to ignore, and giving up doesn't really feel like an option, so let's get the business side of your business sorted so you can go and focus on the impact side of things.

Because this is what you were born to do!

In peace and prosperity,

Kat x