Posts tagged Funding
#80 Funding, Finding Clients and being consistently visible on social media

In this episode, I share tips for how to overcome common challenges faced by social enterprises and businesses.

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#52 How to secure funding and investment with Lisa Erhart

If you're ready to choose to challenge, and explore how you and your business could benefit from funding and investment (even as a social entrepreneur) then this is the episode for you). Lisa is a Grants Assessor, Funding Mentor and Investment Associate drawing on 20+ years experience to create online programs for female entrepreneurs getting ready to scale their impact businesses.

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Jane Ryall, UnLtd (Wales) #27

In this podcast I interview Jane Ryall, Wales Manager for UnLtd - a UK-wide charity "helping to make the world a better place" through supporting social entrepreneurs and giving Awards/funding. Lots of useful information about the Awards UnLtd provide as well as the unique opportunities and challenges in Wales for the social enterprise sector. 

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