Kat Luckock - The Social Entrepreneur Coach

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£12000 in sales in 2 months

There are people in my audience and network, of social entrepreneurs and for-purpose business owners who believe it's icky to talk about sales, how much you earn and how much you want to earn.

I get that.

And I respect it.

But that's not me, and I'm not here for them.

I'm here for you, if you're the social entrepreneur (or small business owner with a powerful vision for social change) who is so done working all the hours for a pittance at the end of the month.

I'm here for you, if you’re the social entrepreneur who is done wondering how much longer it will take before you'll feel like you can actually do this i.e. run a sustainable and successful business.

I'm here for you, if you're ready to simply start making the money you want and need in your social enterprise, so you can get on and focus on the incredible impact you want to create.

It's the end of February and I've made over £12000 in sales since the start of the year.

I have another £4k client on the horizon and this week won a super exciting tender for £32k (it' s a bit hush hush right now but I'll share all the juicy details soon).

So it's really more like £48000 in sales in 2 months!!

This is by far the biggest shift and growth in my business over the past 3.5 years, in just a two month period.

I've dreamt of these kinds of numbers for years but it wasn't until last Autumn I actually started thinking differently and implementing a new approach to sales.

It's about being unwavering in pursuit of what you desire (personally, professionally and in your business).

It's this shift - the mindset practice behind it and the strategy/approach I take - that I teach and support you through in my Aligned Sales Mastermind, the absolutely best way to work with me over the next 8 weeks.

It's the process that's helped my clients see results like there first £5k and £6k months which they've gone on to secure consistently since finishing teh mastermind. It's helped other clients secure their first clients, their first high paying client (eg £4-6k) and have their best months yet consistently for 3 months!!!

Are these the kind of results you'd like to see in the next 8 weeks?

£5k-£10k months consistently?

It is totally possible for you.

But, here's the secret, you dont have to join the Mastermind to learn what it takes to see these kind of results though, in my experience you simply need to align your sales strategy to what you believe, your values and how you truly want to serve your customers.

These are the beliefs that have served me well over the past 6 months:

  • I believe anything is possible

  • I believe in limitless opportunities and possibilities

  • I believe my dream, ready to buy clients are out there...waiting to hear from me

  • I believe money has the power to create the change I want to see in the world so I hold no guilt about attracting it for my social/environmental goals

  • I believe that as someone working to change the status quo, who has expert knowledge and skills that I've acquired over a lifetime, should be reflected in my salary

  • I might get scared but I'm ready and capable now for anything I desire to create (and I will learn more as I go)

  • What I focus on grows.....so I choose not to focus on fear and doubt (even though they are always there), but rather the things in my business that will create the shifts I want to see

  • My goals matter so I see them through to the end

If you want to learn how to master these beliefs and more, as well as learn practical strategies to increase sales in your social enterprise in a way that's aligned to you and your values, then come and join us in the Aligned Sales Mastermind, starting in March.

I'm so looking forward to supporting you to have your best month yet!