Here’s my very simple guide to how you can generate an income in your social enterprise, no matter what kind of business you are or your social impact. It’s all covered here.
Read MoreYour social enterprise should not drain you. Your social enterprise should not eat up your savings and add debt to your credit card. Your social enterprise should not put you in a feeling of risk and fear. It should light you up. It should drive your passion. It should excite and energise you everyday. How do you make this happen, read here for more.
Read MoreI've been where you've been wondering if you can really carry on as a social entrepreneur earning just a pittance. I want you to know you can totally do this. You can earn what you need to create a profitable social enterprise and I'm here to show you how.
Read MoreYou might feel uncomfortable with the idea of making a profit in your social enterprise, or decided that you want to be “not-for-profit” but I share here why it’s essential for social entrepreneurs to make a profit in their business and how they can overcome the icky feeling about it.
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