Kat Luckock - The Social Entrepreneur Coach

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If you're going to do sales calls make them worthwhile

Sales calls don’t have to be salesy.

You don’t have to fear them or doubt your ability to secure clients through them when you follow this process.

What people need to know before they jump on a sales call with you…so you can feel relaxed and enjoy the process, be in your zone of genius, operate with your values and ensure they enjoy the experience too, regardless of the outcome.

My goal for any sales call is NOT to make a sale but to be my best self, connect meaningfully with another human and ensure they feel empowered to make a decision - yes / no.

Ultimately I want people to make empowered sales decisions for the themselves.

So what do they need to know in advance of the call?

  1. Who you are and what you do in detail (so much so that they fan girl over your work)

  2. What you offer and excitement about working with you (so you don’t have to spend time explaining this on the call)

  3. The price of the offer they’re interested in (so there’s no surprises or uncomfortableness on the call)

  4. And, what they need to know to make an empowered decision - yes / no. (We’re not here to convince people, we’re here to provide exceptional services and experiences and provide the information people need to make their own decisions).

THIS is how you take all the “ick” out of sales.

We can get anxious about sales calls when we don't put in place a system to support us and our prospective clients to feel safe about the purpose of a call.

For me these things matter in order to let go of what happens...aka the decision and just simply meet another human:

➡️ I only use sales calls for higher priced offers (we don't need to spend all out time on calls for anything less than £1000)...it is not a good use of your time

➡️ I include a description explaining the purpose of the call and explaining we don't have to have a call if they're ready yo just buy (they can email or DM instead)

➡️ I include a few questions so I know whether they're a good fit, what they want to achieve and whether they're ready to invest

➡️ Yes! I actually ask them whether they're ready to invest at the specified price point. I give an option for ready to invest but have a few more questions. And an option of I'm not ready to invest at this level but would be interested to know about your other offers. When I get someone ticking this I send them an email explaining we won't get on a call and sharing details of one or two offers which I feel might be a good fit.

➡️ If I don't have anything don't have a suitable offer I say so and if relevant send them to some of my free content instead.

Go check out one of my 1:1 offers to see this process in detail (don't worry you don't need to book, just follow the booking process so you see how I do it).