Kat Luckock - The Social Entrepreneur Coach

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Are you ready for your next £3k client?

When I first raised my rates to something I previously considered unimaginable (c. £2,500) I had to really trust my instinct and desire for a viable, profitable business that I loved.

On one side it was a really uncomfortable decision but on the other I knew I desired it - a client more than willing, ready and able to pay £2500 to work with me, without hesitation.

I don't know about you but I love combining strategy and energetics when it comes to sales.

You need the strategy to know what to do when, but you also need the mindset and energetics to know how to be with all the feelings (and fears) that inevitably rise up when you're doing something for the first time.

If I hadn't combined both I would never have secured that first high paying client, or any of the ones after.

Since then I've had many, many clients who have worked with me at this level and above. (Until very recently my 1:1 coaching was £4000). It's also what I love working with my clients on the most because when they have the sales strategy and mindset to attract regular clients, they have consistent revenue fuelling their business and they can create more of the social and environmental impact they're committed to.

That's why we're here right? To create meaningful, ambitious change for society and the environment. Just, habitable, inclusive and peaceful societies that recognise and regenerate our environment.

So how do you know you're ready to attract your next high-paying client? (Which by the way might be £1000, £2000 or £5000+ for you).

It's simple - it's when you decide you're ready!

It's a decision and then a series of actions to create the desired result.

My first £4k client came to me after me simply putting a post on Facebook. Within an hour of me posting the post she messaged me and asked "I'm ready, how do we get started working together".

When we decide it gets to be that simple.

But I also know there's other things you feel need to be in place so you feel ready for your next high-paying client. This is where I help my clients get to when they've decided they're ready for their next client:

  • You're excited and confident about your offers and the results they bring your clients so you have no doubts talking about them and calling people to them

  • You know exactly who your soul-aligned clients are & why you want to work with them creating even more excitement and anticipation in your process of attracting them

  • You have a working system for attracting your soul-aligned clients in to your audience of potential buyers so you're never second-guessing or left wondering 'what am I supposed to be doing now?'

  • You know how to move your audience from interested-lurkers to ready-now-buyers in a fully aligned way to your values and how you want you clients to experience your buying process (no crazy tactics, manipulation or fear here!)

  • You have all your systems and tech set up to support you in your sales process (to make it as easy and seamless for you and your clients)

  • You have an incredible onboarding process that instantly adds to your clients excitement about choosing to work with you over somebody else.

^ When we have the systems and strategy in place we allow ourselves to relax and have fun with the sales process. We enjoy the marketing. We enjoy the conversations with potential clients. We don't worry about the next steps. The process happens with ease and we (and our clients) enjoy the experience.

If you're feeling the pull for your next high paying client but also feeling some doubt, feel free to DM me on Instagram (@katluckockcoaching) as I'd love to support you in identifying what you need to be focusing on right now to attract that dream client to you.

You have the potential to attract your next (or first) £1k - £3k client very soon (and then repeating this), and if you're feeling that pull it's a lot closer than you think.

I've just opened the waitlist for my Aligned Sales Mastermind, where I teach you exactly what you need to generate sales in a fully aligned way to how you operate your business, your values and how you want your clients to experience your brand. Plus, fortnightly group coaching and a 1:1 private coaching session with me when you join. You get exactly what I share and do with all my 1:1 clients (currently £3500 investment) but in a group setting which has the added value of you interacting and learning with other social impact rockstars for a fraction of the price (current pre-sale price £189/month for 4 months).

If you'd like to be told when the Mastermind goes on pre-sale (or doors open) sign up to the waitlist here (p.s. no obligation to buy if you're on the waitlist and you can unsubscribe anytime).